Nga Raruraru - The Problems

Problems at a Glance:

  • Unaffordable housing is pushing more than 300,000 New Zealanders into substandard housing (Habitat for Humanity report)

  • New Zealand has a lack of resiliency when it comes to our critical infrastructure - Increased natural disasters highlight the need to change

  • Billions of dollars are needed to upgrade waste and water systems in most cities - money we don’t have

  • Millions of hectares of marginal land are unproductive

  • We continue to proliferate a broken system that excludes most, yet has a incredibly high social, health and environmental cost
    (last year we imported 1 BILLION kgs of coal to create electricity)

Safe housing is a fundamental human right. But, a lack of affordable and safe housing is forcing families into substandard living conditions.
Substandard housing significantly hinders the development of children and contributes to negative health outcomes in otherwise healthy populations. It also puts significantly more strain on the environment due to higher energy costs and and environmental degradation.

Unaffordable housing often leaves families with insufficient money left to cover other basic needs such as adequate nutrition, heating, clothing, and transport costs.

The costs linked to unstable/unaffordable housing include increase hospitalisations, ambulatory visits, dental procedures, mental health care for mothers and special education services for children. It also impedes the ability of businesses to hire workers and is not good for local economies.

Addressing affordable housing is crucial for promoting social equity and reducing disparities.

Nga hua - Our Solutions

We are New Zealand’s largest provider of regenerative eco villages and have created a unique, integrated system that turns marginal, poorly utilised and degraded land into thriving communities of productivity and environmental and social wellness.

Because our solution does not rely on conventional infrastructure, we can transform the millions of acres of marginal land, which has a poor economic outlook, into fit for purpose, sustainable but affordable housing.

Our proven solutions are:

  • More resilient to climate change because of the lack of dependency on connected, critical infrastructure.

  • Waste is valuable. Our circular waste systems - bio digesters convert waste into biogas that is used onsite.

  • Is more affordable - we remove the land cost from the purchase price of a home

  • Our clients experience a 90% reduction in their energy related expenses

  • Provides food security with our community garden

    We are shifting the perceptions of risk and rewriting what the home ownership model looks like, to financially include underserved people to fully participate in this transformation

    Our experience proves housing is a transformative vehicle of change that significantly improves the future wellbeing of families and children, through improving their health, their education outcomes and better employment opportunities.

The ache for home lies in all of us, the safe space where we can go as we are and not be questioned”

— Maya Angelou

Our primary solution centres:

  • Whakawhanake Hapori | Community Development

    We identify and lease marginal land in suitable locations to establish our regenerative villages. These communities are equipped with eco-friendly infrastructure such as solar generation and circular waste systems, utilizing high-tech solutions for sustainable living.

  • Whare Ora | Regenerative Housing

    Our scalable approach to housing manufacturing involves constructing net-zero houses in a factory setting. This method significantly reduces construction time and cost, while ensuring exceptional energy efficiency. We provide affordable homes for customers and offer training programs to create work opportunities and lower labor costs.

  • Whakamaru Taiao | Protecting Biodiversity

    To rejuvenate degraded land, we recreate wetlands and bird corridors through multi-year planting programs.

    Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata.

    When the land is well, the people are well.